Tania Latici

Associate Fellow


European security and defence and transatlantic relations


Tania Latici is an Associate Fellow in the Europe in the World programme, to which she contributes in the areas of European security and defence and transatlantic relations. Tania’s full-time job is as a Policy Analyst on security and defence in the European Parliamentary Research Service – the in-house think tank of the European Parliament – where she supports MEPs with specialised input, while regularly publishing on issues ranging from the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy and defence cooperation to EU-NATO cooperation and others. Tania is also pursuing a PhD on transatlantic defence cooperation at Ghent University, and is a member of the Doctoral School on the CSDP at the European Security and Defence College.
Past work experiences include the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the transatlantic relations division at the European External Action Service. She is a Member of Women in International Security Brussels, a Transatlantic Denton Fellow at CEPA, and an Associate Expert at the New Strategy Center. In 2019, she was a GLOBSEC Young Leader and New Security Leader at the Warsaw Security Forum. She was appointed to co-coordinate the
NATO Young Leaders advisory body to assist Secretary General Stoltenberg in the NATO2030 strategic reflection process.  
