Yara Atrouni

Project Manager

+32 (0)2 274 21 05


Courses for diplomats, Public administration


After completing her Master’s degree in European Studies at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in 2018, Yara Atrouni worked as a Research & Project Assistant at the European Neighbourhood Council, a Brussels-based think tank.
She joined the Egmont Institute in March 2020 as a Project Assistant for the Education & Training Programme team, where she supported the organisation of training courses, as well as the Partnership with the school of public administration of the Democratic Republic of Congo (ENA RDC).
She became Project Manager in March 2021, and since then has developed a number of online and offline training courses. She also manages a cooperation project with the School of Public Administration in the Democratic Republic of Congo (ENA RDC), and is in charge of the communication of the Education & Training Programme.